Welcome to Mluigi Blog!

Hi! Welcome to Mluigi Blog, your blog for every day! Staff post LOADS of stuff such as...
Original images-mushrooms with tails?!?
Original reviews-Ipads are bad?!?
Original videos-how are hamburgers and gaming connected?!?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

IMPORTANT-write your own mluigifish reviews!

write your own mluigifish reviews!

The reviews can be about any thing you want, just email them to mluigifish@gmail.com
At the bottom of your email type in what you want your 
mluigifish review name to be
(no real names: just nicknames or game character names). 
If you have a blog we will follow it if you make enough good post.



  1. Damn I just posted one without the title at the bottom, but use the subject header as the title please.

  2. Ur, what?! Who are you?! Oh who cares! You are kinda confusing me a bit??! Are you one of our viewers? Wait! What am I saying! Of course you are!
    Happy Easter!
