Welcome to Mluigi Blog!

Hi! Welcome to Mluigi Blog, your blog for every day! Staff post LOADS of stuff such as...
Original images-mushrooms with tails?!?
Original reviews-Ipads are bad?!?
Original videos-how are hamburgers and gaming connected?!?

Monday 25 April 2011


are these mushrooms cool or bad?
Answer in your comments!



  1. from ?reveiwerman?
    noooooooo heres a short reveiw on the mushrooms luigi
    these mushrooms probably took about five minutes to make the lines are uneven the couloring is terrible! and the ticks look like they were drawn by a two year old girl!
    sorry luigi more work is seirously needed

  2. Ooooooooooooooo!! Baaaaaad! I like the idea! And I can see why the tick and cross are rough-to make it look like someone drew it! But we are a qualaty blog! Sorry, Luigi! Nice effort on the whole mushroom thing, though.
