Welcome to Mluigi Blog!

Hi! Welcome to Mluigi Blog, your blog for every day! Staff post LOADS of stuff such as...
Original images-mushrooms with tails?!?
Original reviews-Ipads are bad?!?
Original videos-how are hamburgers and gaming connected?!?

Monday 28 March 2011


3DS 3DS 3DS! The 3DS came out 3 days ago in the UK and I managed to get one! I got 2 games, Asphalt 3D and PilotWings Resort ( they were the only ones in Sainsbury's). I also went to the 3DS tour. I tried to get some video clips for you guys but I wasn't aloud to use cameras or phones inside but they had laptops for the FaceBook competion. Well, its amazing. The Augemented Realaty (AR) comes with a LOT more than I thought. It starts with a shooting game, a snooker game, a drawing game, a fishing game and a stars game, but it turns out play on every game and what do you get? A SHOP! Its amazing and for £200 depending on where you get it, it's a GREAT deal. More updates coming soon because I'm out of time! I'll see if I can remember my You Tube password and get the YT page up and running again..I made a Mluigi Fish acount and I forgot the password....blame me for that...OR maybe Luigi made one...I can't remember.. TALKING TO MYSELF! See ya laters Mluigi Fans!