Hey Mluigi Viewers! Mario here! And, yeah, we know... We have not had any posts for a while now. But the viewss keep on coming! The anoying thing about the blog stats is that it it only shows continents and large countries! We have had views from every continent now! Although 98% of the veiws from England are our veiws (yes we have tried to make it so it doesn't count our veiws when we are logged in... we click it and it ignores the click, very fustrating) we still have a lot of views considering that the blog only kicked of in January. Yeah. Sorry to dissappoint people that veiw our blog a lot....
The thing is we need more followers, emails and comments for the blog to run. We have about 500 subscribers on YouTube and when we make videos (which we will when it comes to August...) we will have tons! I remember I had a YouTube account once and I deleted it after it was taking up to much of my time. I had about 11 subscribers in one week. And one of which was someone called MuggleSam. MuggleSam is a VERY famous YouTuber with 10000s of views and subscribers. My vids had about 50 views too! My videos consited of game walkthroughs (which at the time were Super Mario Galaxy 2 when it had just came out) and LEGO walkthroughs (I bought LEGO sets and showed people all the bits they needed and built it while filming). The LEGO Star Wars set Hyena Droid Bomber took about 2 hours to build and film at the same time. Then my brother (who you know as Mini Mario) made a review on Pokemon. Then I also made some stuff about the LEGO Club Magazine as a taster of vids to come. Another reason (which happened before I shut my account down), was that someone hacked into my account and they done it with out me realising for about 2 weeks until I got a message from another YouTuber........not a nice one. I never found out who the hacker was but I sent a message of apology and shut down my account. The Fish also has a YouTube accout which is still up and running.
Anyways, I have to go now. C yas!
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