Well Hey Mluigi Viewers! Mario here! Did you see Doctor Who on Saturday?? It was BAD! Who was that fat blue dude? I can't remember! And how can River Song be Amy's daughter. Well I see you she can but its wrong! It just don't feel right! Although it was quite clever how Melody Pond is River Song. Heres how: Well River said that in the langauge of the forest there is no word for pond because the only water is the river and a melody is a song! See! Melody=Song and Pond=River. But..I found a mistake! River is at the front of her name and Song is at the back and Melody is at the front and Pond is at the back. Was that a bit confusing?? Here it is again: Melody Pond and River Song. Like said above: River is at the front of River's name but at the back of Melody's name. Basicaly: River Song
Melody Pond
See how one of them should swap names round??
Song River or
Pond Melody see?? I can't explain it!! If you dont get it email us at
Anyways! Cyber Men = really good bad guys! In this episode the CyberMen had a crap part! Mind my language...:) And in the next episode "Lets Kill Hitler" or something like that isnt it a bit offensive?? I mean you wouldn't go around making TV episodes called "Lets Kill Obama" or "Lets Kill Cameron" now would you? No. See! Now to end on a nice note. It was my birthday! It was great! I got my phone (look on YouTube soon!!) and £145! Not bad! On top of that I got my 3DS (3 months early) and went and had a pizza with my family. Oh and I got a cool birthday card (Flaaaash Baaack!!!)
"Happy Birthday Mario!"
(I get handed a card in an envolope and open it)
"*starts to giggle* Listen, listen! It says "A little bird told me it was your birthday!"Now in the card it says.." So I shot the little bugger before he could spread the word!!!"
(Not flaaash baaack)
It was cool!
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