Welcome to Mluigi Blog!

Hi! Welcome to Mluigi Blog, your blog for every day! Staff post LOADS of stuff such as...
Original images-mushrooms with tails?!?
Original reviews-Ipads are bad?!?
Original videos-how are hamburgers and gaming connected?!?

Thursday, 11 August 2011

You Tube

Hi! Its me Mario here! So, have you been looking at our YouTube videos? Hope so! Because that is the end of Series One of Mluigi Videos All About Mluiginess. Yes Mluiginess is a word. Look it up in the "All of the Fabalistic Words Used in the Mluigi Like Mluigi Blog of Mluiginess."
It says here...
"Mluiginess" look it up in a..


You can buy them for £100000000000000000000000000 or $100000000000000000000 or in euros but there is not euro sign on my keyboard. Anyways
So, a very stupid and c**p start to YouTube?? Yes. Well in "MluigiFish Mluigi Blog YouTube Series 2 of Amazingness---MINECRAFT AND MORE" you can expect to find..well, MINECRAFT AND MORE. Me and Luigi and maybe Mini Mario will be doing all the Minecrafty bits. I am hoping The Fish can do some techy stuff with Link (AKA ?ReviewerMan?) and also some gamey bits. I cant give away all the secrets and we WILL TRY TO UPLOAD ONE VIDEO PER WEEK. It will be stressfull because I am very busy during the holidays (I'm not though but I never seem have any time to do anything which is why I am posting this very late at night). Yes, I know its probably around 9:30-10:00 PM England, BUT in Mluigi it is errrm it says 5234092748.....Look. In the Mushroom Kingdom, there is no night. Only day. Kind of. Well, sometimes there is night. Not always. Once a week. Hang on please excuse me
"Mario, Mario! There is someone at the gates who wishes to see you! Come quick!"
"Okay Toad.....What in the name of Bowser is HE doing here!?Doesn't he have better things to do like fighting Gannondorf and helping create a brand new game for the Wii where he flys on birds!? He calls it "SkyWard Sword" or something! I mean, Luigi is busy with Luigi's Mansion 2 for the 3DS and me and Luigi are busy with things like Mario Kart 3D and Super Mario Bros Mii for the 3DS and Wii U but..WHO CARES!!"
"Mario, don't get in a huff. I have just came to give you your daily dose of Mluigi Talk. Here goes:
(viewers, you cant understand game codes unless you are super smart. If you were to translate it though it would say "Please don't tell the Mluigi Viewers about Series 2 on YouTube!!"
Thanks for listening and Good Night!